Wednesday, July 25, 2012

WOD - 7/26/12

6 minute AMRAP
Run 25 meters
6 squats
3 push ups

Feel free to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We would discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to our WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations) here: .


  1. This WOD looks very similar to the WOD we did Wednesday night, but they will start to look different very soon! Also, you may need to estimate the run/walk distance for Thursday's WOD...that's ok! 3-2-1-Go! :)

  2. Also, congratulations on completing a very challenging workout tonight! Even though this type of workout and some of the movements are likely fairly novel, you all really attacked this WOD with confidence and determination! Love it! I wonder if any of you were surprised by your own capabilities. Awesome job, keep it up!

  3. Jen, I am SORE from last night, but I will give this a try.

  4. Monica, you are AWESOME! I bet you'll feel better after the workout too. Keep hydrated and STRETCH!
