Tabata Squats
2 min rest
Tabata Reverse Lunges (alternate legs each rep)
*Advanced: between tabata sets, rest 30 seconds, Plank one minute, rest thirty seconds
*Super Advanced: between tabata sets, rest 30 seconds, Push Ups (AMRAP) for 1 minute, rest thirty seconds
2 min rest
Tabata Reverse Lunges (alternate legs each rep)
*Advanced: between tabata sets, rest 30 seconds, Plank one minute, rest thirty seconds
*Super Advanced: between tabata sets, rest 30 seconds, Push Ups (AMRAP) for 1 minute, rest thirty seconds
Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to
rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back
(i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest
assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).
We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the
WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many
comments as you'd like. We do
discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that
could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just
killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed
Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).
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