Wednesday, December 31, 2014

WOD - 1/1/15 - "Jennifer"

6 minute AMRAP:
6 Squats
6 Push ups
6 Jumping jacks


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

WOD - 12/31/14

Do anything active for 20 mins. Just think, you can burn about 100 calories in 20 minutes of most activities… burning 100 calories more per day burns approximately 10 lbs more body fat in a year. Walk, run, bike, tennis, box, swim, zumba, walk stairs, jumping jacks, etc. Post a comment to let us know what you did!


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Monday, December 29, 2014

WOD - 12/30/14 - "Lovin' Those Legs!"

Tabata Squats
2 min rest
Tabata Reverse Lunges (alternate legs each rep)

*Advanced: between tabata sets, rest 30 seconds, plank one minute, rest thirty seconds
*Super Advanced: between tabata sets, rest 30 seconds, pushups (AMRAP) for 1 minute, rest thirty seconds


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Sunday, December 28, 2014

WOD - 12/29/14 - "10 x 10"

10 Rounds for time:
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Overhead Dumbbell Press
10 Box Jumps
10 Dumbbell Press

*Advanced: 15 Rounds x 15 Reps
*Super-Advanced: 20 Rounds x 20 Reps


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Saturday, December 27, 2014

WOD - 12/28/14

13 minute AMRAP:
13 Reverse lunges
13 Overhead dumbbell presses
13 Jumping jacks

*Advanced: 17 minute AMRAP
*Super-Advanced: 21 minute AMRAP


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Friday, December 26, 2014

WOD - 12/27/14 - "Death by 10 Meters"

For time
You will need a countdown timer for this. There are many great app-based WOD timers that you can download to your phone. Some examples are: MyWOD, Seconds by Interval Timer, etc.

Here’s how this workout goes:

Start your timer:
  • Run 1 10-meter sprint the 1st minute (down)
  • Run 2 consecutive 10-meter sprints the 2nd minute (down & back)
  • Run 3 consecutive 10-meter sprints the 3rd minute (down, back, & down)
... continue this pattern until you’re unable to complete the number of required sprint lengths within the time allotted for that round.


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Thursday, December 25, 2014

WOD - 12/26/14

5 Rounds for time:
10 Jumping jacks
10 Knees to chest
10 Push ups
10 Single leg bridge

*Advanced:  8 Rounds for time
*Super-Advanced: 12 Rounds for time


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

WOD - 12/25/14 - "The Grinch"

5 Push ups (every time “The Grinch” song is played)
2 Burpees (every time the Grinch steals something)
10 Overhead dumbbell presses (every time you hear a made-up word)
20 Jumping Jacks (every time the narrator says a word containing “who”)
15 Squats (every time the Grinch flashes his creepy smile)

*Advanced & Super-Advanced: Double everything
Workout inspired by


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

WOD - 12/24/14

12 minute AMRAP
Repetitions: 2-4-6-8-10-12…
·       Box Jump
·       Overhead Dumbbell Press
·       Jumping Jack

So, you will complete 2 reps of each of the above exercises the 1st round, resting as needed. You will then begin your 2nd round, where you will complete 4 reps of each exercise. The 3rd round, you will complete 6 reps of each exercise. You will continue this pattern of adding 2 reps each round until the 12 minutes has expired. That's it!


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Monday, December 22, 2014

WOD - 12/23/14 - "Push Ups Delight, PLUS"

For time:
10 Push ups (cumulative; rest as needed)
10 Squats (cumulative; rest as needed)
9 Push ups (cumulative; rest as needed)
9 Squats (cumulative; rest as needed)
8 Push ups (cumulative; rest as needed)
8 Squats (cumulative; rest as needed)
7 Push ups (cumulative; rest as needed)
7 Squats (cumulative; rest as needed)
6 Push ups (cumulative; rest as needed)
6 Squats (cumulative; rest as needed)
5 Push ups (cumulative; rest as needed)
5 Squats (cumulative; rest as needed)
4 Push ups (cumulative; rest as needed)
4 Squats (cumulative; rest as needed)
3 Push ups (cumulative; rest as needed)
3 Squats (cumulative; rest as needed)
2 Push ups (cumulative; rest as needed)
2 Squats (cumulative; rest as needed)
1 Push up
1 Squat

*Advanced:  Start with 12 Reps and go to 1
*Super-Advanced: Start with 15 Reps and go to 1


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Sunday, December 21, 2014

WOD - 12/22/14

For time
400 Meter Run
25 Burpees (rest as needed)
400 Meter Run

* Advanced: Replace with 50 Burpees
* Super-Advanced: Replace with 100 Burpees


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Saturday, December 20, 2014

WOD - 12/21/14

For time
This WOD has you decreasing the number of repetitions each round.

Reps/Round: 30-20-10
·         Squats
·         Overhead Dumbbell Presses
·         Burpees
·         Knees to Chest

So, you will complete 30 reps of each of the above exercises, resting as needed. You will then begin your 2nd round, where you will complete 20 reps of each exercise. Then, for your last round, you will complete 10 reps of each exercise. That's it!

*Advanced: 40-30-20-10
*Super-Advanced: 50-40-30-20-10


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Friday, December 19, 2014

WOD - 12/20/14 - Partner WOD

3 Rounds for time
This WOD is a partner workout, so grab a workout buddy and get to it. Here’s how it works…

Partner 1 (pacer):
20 Box jumps
20 Push ups

Partner 2:

Running in place (or treadmill, if available)

Partner 1 starts with box jumps and push ups while Partner 2 runs in place (or on a treadmill). When Partner 1 completes her/his 20 box jumps and 20 push ups, Partners 1 and 2 switch stations… i.e., Partner 2 begins the 20 box jumps and push ups while Partner 2 runs. Each partner completing both stations constitutes 1 complete round.

*Advanced:  5 Rounds
*Super-Advanced: 7 Rounds


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Thursday, December 18, 2014

WOD - 12/19/14

For time
200 Squats (cumulative)

* Advanced: 400 Squats (cumulative)
* Super-Advanced: 600 Squats (cumulative)


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

WOD - 12/18/14

Walk or Run for 2 miles (measure and record time); rest as needed

*Advanced:  Walk or Run 4 miles
*Super-Advanced: Walk or Run 6 miles


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

WOD - 12/17/14

For time
15 Squats
15 Push-ups
15 Single leg bridges
12 Squats
12 Push-ups
12 Single leg bridges
9 Squats
9 Push-ups
9 Single leg bridges

*Advanced:  2 Rounds
*Super-Advanced: 3 Rounds


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Monday, December 15, 2014

WOD - 12/16/14 - "Death by Push Ups"

For time
You will need a countdown timer for this. There are many great app-based WOD timers that you can download to your phone. Some examples are: MyWOD, Seconds by Interval Timer, etc.

Here’s how this workout goes:

Start your timer:
  • Do 1 push up the 1st minute
  • Do 2 push ups the 2nd minute
  • Do 3 push ups the 3rd minute
... continue this pattern until you’re unable to complete the number of required push ups within the time allotted for that round.


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Sunday, December 14, 2014

WOD - 12/15/14

3 Rounds for time
Run 60 seconds
8 Dumbbell press
6 Squats

*Advanced:  5 Rounds
*Super-Advanced: Double everything (i.e., 8 Rounds, Run 120 seconds, 16 Dumbbell press, 12 Squats)


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Saturday, December 13, 2014

WOD - 12/14/14

3 Rounds for time:
15 box jumps
15 push-ups
15 knees to chest
*Advanced:  5 Rounds
*Super-Advanced: 7 Rounds


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Friday, December 12, 2014

WOD - 12/13/14

5 Rounds for time
10 Knees to chest
10 Reverse lunges
8 Knees to chest

*Advanced:  8 Rounds
*Super-Advanced: 12 Rounds


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Thursday, December 11, 2014

WOD - 12/12/14

For time
50 Push ups (cumulative)

* Advanced: 100 Push ups (cumulative)
* Super-Advanced: 150 Push ups (cumulative)


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

WOD - 12/11/14

Walk or Run for 20 minutes (measure and record distance); rest as needed


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

WOD - 12/10/14 - "Burpees Delight"

This is a very tough workout, but don’t let that dissuade you from jumping in there and doing it. Rest as needed; the challenge is to get through all the repetitions, but do work as quickly as you can without sacrificing good form.

For time:
10 Burpees (cumulative; rest as needed)
9 Burpees (cumulative; rest as needed)
8 Burpees (cumulative; rest as needed)
7 Burpees (cumulative; rest as needed)
6 Burpees (cumulative; rest as needed)
5 Burpees (cumulative; rest as needed)
4 Burpees (cumulative; rest as needed)
3 Burpees (cumulative; rest as needed)
2 Burpees (cumulative; rest as needed)
1 Burpee

*Advanced:  Start with 12 Reps and go to 1
*Super-Advanced: Start with 15 Reps and go to 1


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Monday, December 8, 2014

WOD - 12/9/14

10 minute AMRAP
10 Push ups
10 Jumping jacks
10 Single leg bridges
10 Overhead dumbbell presses

*Advanced:  15 minute AMRAP
*Super-Advanced: 20 minute AMRAP


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Sunday, December 7, 2014

WOD - 12/8/14 - "Leg Skunk"

10 Rounds for time
10 Reverse lunges (i.e., 5 each/leg)
5 Push ups

* Advanced:  20 Reverse lunges (i.e., 10 each/leg) and 10 Push ups
*Super-Advanced: 20 Reverse lunges and 10 Push ups x 15 Rounds for time


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Saturday, December 6, 2014

WOD - 12/7/14

13 minute AMRAP
13 Jumping jacks
13 Squats
13 Push ups
Run 60 seconds

*Advanced:  Add 13 Single leg bridges between push ups and run
*Super-Advanced: Include single leg bridges, but make a 20 minute AMRAP


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Friday, December 5, 2014

WOD - 12/6/14

4 minute tabata: Push ups
2 minute rest
4 minute tabata: Squats

*Advanced:  Same tabatas, but only 30 second rest between them
*Super-Advanced:  Add Overhead Dumbbell Press tabata to above, still with 30 seconds rest between each tabata


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Thursday, December 4, 2014

WOD - 12/5/14

For time:
12 Squats
12 Burpees
12 Push ups
12 Knees to chest
12 Jumping jacks
12 Box jumps

*Advanced:  2 Rounds x 20 Reps
*Super-Advanced: 3 Rounds x 30 Reps


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

WOD - 12/4/14

Walk or run on the Ravenel Bridge… distance/time is up to you.


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

WOD - 12/3/14

4 Rounds for time
400 Meter Run/Walk
10 Dumbbell Presses
1-Minute Plank (cumulative)

* Advanced: 6 Rounds
* Super-Advanced: 8 Rounds


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).

Monday, December 1, 2014

WOD - 12/2/14 - "Cardio Blast"

10 min AMRAP
7 Jumping Jacks
7 Burpees
7 Knees to Chest

*Advanced:  15 min AMRAP
*Super-Advanced: 20 min AMRAP


Remember, if you’re opting out of this workout to rest/recover, your next workout should be the WOD for the date you start back (i.e., don’t worry about making up this workout once you resume... rest assured, it, or something similar to it, will come back around).

We invite you all to post comments on this or any of the WODs. Note, you can't start new posts on this blog, but you can leave as many comments as you'd like. We do discourage participants from posting individual "scores," as that could be discouraging to others, but feel free to post things like "I just killed that workout!"... or perhaps, "That workout just killed me!"

Remember, you have continual access to the WMC-MISFIT blog and the WMC-MISFIT resource page (which includes videos and workout explanations).